Sleep Medicine
Hospital to home tracheostomy care
Patients with tracheostomies require comprehensive planning to avoid adverse events. Technological improvement has enhanced our ability to support these patients with complex conditions in their home settings. However, clinical practice […]
Post-intensive care syndrome and insomnia
There has been a recent interest in post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), as an increasing number of patients are surviving critical illness. PICS is defined as “new onset or worsening of […]
The not-so-silent night: Challenges in improving sleep in inpatients with Dr. Vineet Arora
Q: Are there interventions that can be readily implemented to improve sleep quality for hospitalized patients? Dr. Arora: A patient’s first night in the hospital is probably not the night […]
Seasonal variations in sleep architecture
Do you feel like you sleep worse in the spring and have more difficulty keeping your schedule on track? There are new data to support the way you feel based […]