Annual Meeting

Be on the lookout for what’s new at CHEST 2018 this year!

We have new styles for sessions including:

  • Deeper Dive Sessions to discuss difficult cases,
  • Peer-Teaching Sessions to test your knowledge,
  • and Bite-Sized Teaching Sessions to optimize your time when learning within your specialty.

After difficult sessions, stop by Experience CHEST (Booth 221) to unwind with the therapy dogs from Therapy Animals of San Antonio. These cute pups will be in the booth Monday through Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. There also will be a guacamole station on Monday and Tuesday from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm.

Don’t forget to catch the returning popular 15-minute presentations done by members in CHEST NetWorks at the Experience CHEST theater. Find what presentation corresponds to your NetWork or special interest.

Lastly, be sure to download the CHEST Events app on your Android or Apple device to tailor your meeting experience by checking the session schedule, search education by Track or Type, search what other sessions are happening in the same room, search by speaker, and more!