Annual Meeting


This year’s Twitter #CHESTChat on Monday evening focused on “Driving Innovation in Pulmonary, Critical Care, 
and Sleep Medicine.” Here are some highlights from the online conversation.


T1: Share some examples of technological innovations that changed or are changing #pulmcc and #sleep. 

T1: Innovations changing #pulmcc #Machinelearning #AI predictive analytics #sepsis improve r ability 2 diagnose & treat sepsis, improve mortality — bec “Time is #Sepsis” #chestchat

T1: For #ChestHomeMV and #ChestSleep the next potential step in managing chronic respiratory failure will be physiologically optimized pressure support (POPS-V) ventilation with auto-IPAP, auto-EPAP and auto-BUR combined with remote monitoring and telemedicine #POPSV

T1: A) Innovation is making this possible! There is a living and breathing virtual #CHEST2019 world. #SoMe

B) The Events app is excellent allowing us to scroll through speaker slides and allows for real time polling interactions with speakers #CHEST2019

3) Chest Connectom

T2: How do or will these innovations improve patient-centered care?

T2: 1. Standardization of delivery and monitoring of a complex intervention to promote safety and efficacy of treatment

2. Enhanced patient outcome

3. Reduce healthcare costs

4. Increased cost effectiveness

#CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T2: Well with regards to HFNC, patient comfort is patient centered. But also I think we can begin to harness the power of technology to allow #PulmCC to get back to the bedside. #CHESTChat #CHEST2019

T2: allowing patient access to tertiary level care without social and logistical hindrances. Geography and socioeconomics should not limit access. #CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T2: I think for example of the use of smart watches in monitoring sleep disordered breathing and how it can help alert patients to conditions like obstructive sleep apnea which can bring them in the clinic to be evaluated for this condition. #chestchat

T2: Cool thoughts #CHEST2019 health care on the wrist so powerful!

T3: How could these innovations improve #implicitbias in health care?

T3: Love this question and so happy we are going there. #chestchat

T3: Data does not lie! Using it objectively can and will invigorate impactful change thus improving delivery and access #CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T3: Innovation will help us or at least I hope will help us to realize our own personal biases. Also recently the keynote speaker gave us some tools to combat #implicitbias by @DrQuinnCapers4 Hope these help you tweeples #CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T3: So happy to have been able to attend the lecture of @DrQuinnCapers4 and learned about #implicitbias in healthcare. The more aware we are about this phenomenon the less it will happen. #CHESTChat #CHEST2019

T3: Innovation helps identify, make apparent and acknowledge the implicit bias that was present all along. #datadriven

T4: How will or are these innovations being applied internationally?

T4: we are in the midst of a great medical tech evolution! Things are morphing with techs through social media having things at finger tips with smart phone: EMR and critical information exchange is occurring rapidly. The virtual connectom is alive! #CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T4: Telemedicine #Telecommunications #MedEd Eliminating geographical and socioeconomical barriers to teach and treat => lead to a better understanding of disease and developing therapies and cures.
#CHESTchat #CHEST2019

T4: Pioneers from all over the world are in this conference sharing what they know and also taking New knowledge learned from #CHEST2019. Staying connected with the world is Key for universal sharing of new innovations.

T4: Stimulating interorganizational collaboration, #networking & sharing of best clinical practices #CHESTchat #CHEST2019