Annual Meeting

CHEST 2019 Speaker Spotlight

Steven Q. Simpson, MD, FCCP

Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, University of Kansas

CHEST President-Elect, Member of Board of Regents

Twitter: @sqsimp

Session: Meet the Professor – No refunds! An update in sepsis diagnosis and care on Tuesday

What was the impetus for your presentation and/or research?

The impetus for my session: 1.7 million Americans suffers from sepsis every year, and 350,000 of them either die in hospital or in hospice care. Around the world, a person dies from sepsis every 3 seconds. We need to be better at teaching patients to seek attention and at recognizing sepsis and intervening early. We need to be sure that we intervene effectively and knowledgeably.

How would you summarize your session in a tweet?

What’s new in sepsis? What’s old that’s good? Meet and talk to sepsis maven @sqsimp on Tuesday at #CHEST2019 @accpchest

Which pulmonology innovation do you think is the most promising and why?

Machine learning and AI in diagnosing critical illness before it is critical, combined with modern monitoring technologies that can be used in the home for at-risk patients.

What was your first job and what did it teach you?

Raising and selling sweet potatoes from a wagon when I was 8 years old taught me that I don’t want to be a salesman.

Mowing lawns, starting at age 10, taught me responsibility to people who depend on me to get things done.

Boy scout camp counselor, beginning age 14, taught me that I love passing knowledge to others.

Who has helped shaped your career the most?

Roger Bone, the “founder” of sepsis criteria. J. Peter Szidon, my fellowship director and smartest pulmonologist I’ve ever met. Both of them taught me how to think through problems, and Roger, obviously, set me on a career path in sepsis. Jonathan Samet, who, as my division chief, taught me more epidemiology than I cared to learn (I was a bench scientist at the time), but who has tremendously influenced the latter part of my career. He told me when I was young that as I matured I would understand the crucial importance of preventive and population health, and he was right on the money.

Do you think your pet knows you’re away from home? What is its name?

Nope. Our cat loves her mother. I’m just a food source.

Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter in the pulmonology profession?

TNTC. Lots of great people with lots of great insights.