Annual Meeting

CHEST Foundation hosts Women & Pulmonary Workshop with Dr. Jennifer Hunt

Jennifer Hunt, MD
Jennifer Hunt, MD

Livestreaming on Monday at 12:00 pm CT, the CHEST Foundation’s Women & Pulmonary Work Group will host a CME-eligible workshop with invited guest speaker, Jennifer Hunt, MD. The best-selling author of Unlocking Your Authentic Self and Chair of Pathology at the University of Florida, Dr. Hunt is a certified executive coach and has extensive experience in coaching aspiring, emerging, and current high-achieving leaders.

During the workshop, Building Self-Confidence and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome from the Inside-Out, Dr. Hunt will focus on three key areas:

  • Recognizing the signs and features of impostor syndrome
  • Identifying how impostor tendencies can hinder leadership and career development
  • Implementing simple practice tools to start reframing a self-doubt narrative

Dr. Hunt will challenge the audience to ask themselves questions including, “Has your self-confidence ever held you back from taking on a new challenge or a healthy risk?’ and “Is there a little voice inside that reminds you of every mistake or misstep?” These are all hints that impostor syndrome or impostor tendencies might be at play.

Even if you answered no, you’ve probably watched a friend or loved one become paralyzed by self-criticism, self-doubt, or low self-confidence. The great news is that impostor tendencies do not have to be in control of your actions, results, and outcomes. In this workshop, you will learn to use practical, concrete, and easy-to-implement tools to recognize and disarm your inner critic and allow your skills and talents to flourish.

The interactive format will give you opportunities for self-reflection and immediate implementation and will energize you to take empowering action for your own life.

Everyone is invited to attend this session, and participants are encouraged to follow Dr. Hunt on Twitter: @drjenniferhunt

Register to join the workshop.




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