Annual Meeting

Get involved in a NetWork!

NetWork membership is a benefit for all CHEST members. NetWorks are special interest groups that focus on particular areas of chest medicine. Join any of CHEST’s 22 NetWorks to connect with others who have similar interests; help plan educational sessions; take on leadership roles; and participate in the development of policies, opinions, and position statements. Joining and staying involved in CHEST NetWorks provides a pathway to leadership roles. If interested in joining a NetWork Steering Committee, visit the Apply for CHEST Leadership page to learn more about how to get involved.

Join as many NetWorks as you would like, and designate (up to) two primary NetWorks and limitless secondary NetWorks. Primary NetWork designation gives you access to News from Your NetWork, a biyearly communication from your NetWork Chair with relevant education course offerings, key events in the CHEST community, and up-to-date information on happenings in your NetWork.

The NetWork Featured Lectures and Open Forums are currently taking place through October 30. You can also check out the brief NetWork bite lectures on the CHEST virtual meeting platform.

Questions? E-mail [email protected] and visit to learn more.