President’s Column

Leading with integrity: A values-driven year

Dr. John D. Buckley is professor of medicine and vice chair for education at the Indiana University, Indianapolis
Jack D. Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP

As the President of the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), I have the privilege of regularly addressing CHEST members through a quarterly column where I can share updates and expand on topics that we hold in high regard.

As such, I’d like to focus on the CHEST commitment to social responsibility and the work we have done and will continue to do throughout this year and beyond.

In 2023, under the leadership of my predecessor, Doreen Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP, CHEST made strong changes to our organizational focus, including cementing Social Responsibility as a formal pillar of CHEST. In addition to our other four pillars—Education, People, Products, and Growth—this new pillar is a sign of our stronger commitment to be more explicit in our aspirations, measure our success, and move the bar higher.

As part of the new social responsibility pillar, CHEST philanthropy evolved from what was known as the CHEST Foundation and defined a new giving strategy that reflects our organizational commitment to clinical research, community impact, support for the profession, and fostering education. Through growth in our research support and furthering community impact, 2024 will be a strong year of providing grant support aligned to this new giving strategy.

In addition, we formalized how CHEST will pursue our new social responsibility pillar. In 2023, we articulated our organizational values—Community, Inclusivity, Innovation, Advocacy, and Integrity—which will serve as a consistent reminder of who we are as an organization and guide us in decisions as we pursue our mission.

Led by these values, CHEST will use its voice and capabilities to promote change that equitably impacts our community. In 2024 specifically, the organization looks forward to engaging actively with social responsibility by expanding volunteer opportunities local to CHEST headquarters and in conjunction with the location of the annual meeting.

It is also my hope that 2024 will be known as a year of member input, starring feedback from none other than you, our members.

For those who recall my address from the Opening Session at CHEST 2023, I very much encourage you to reach out to share with me your thoughts, your CHEST experience, and more at [email protected]. I look forward to having this regular touchpoint with all of you, and I welcome your input on topics you’d like to hear more on.

Until next time,

Jack D. Buckley, MD, MPH, FCCP