Association News

Meet the new CHEST Physician Editor in Chief

Angel O. Coz Yataco, MD, FCCP

Angel O. Coz Yataco, MD, FCCP, is a Pulmonary and Critical Care specialist at the Respiratory Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. He previously served as the Medical Director of the Intensive Care Unit at the Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center and was an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Coz received his medical degree from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru. He completed residency training in internal medicine and did his fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Henry Ford Hospital.

Dr. Coz was a member of the 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines panel and serves on the American Board of Internal Medicine Governance – Critical Care Medicine examination board. He holds multiple leadership positions at CHEST—Chair of the Council of NetWorks; a member of the Guidelines Oversight Committee; and served as the Critical Care Section Editor for CHEST Physician since 2018. He has been awarded the Distinguished CHEST Educator (DCE) designation every year since its inception in 2018 and received the CHEST Presidential Citation Award in 2021.

Dr. Coz has given multiple talks on critical care, sepsis, and pulmonary topics at the national and international level. He has published several peer-reviewed articles and serves as ad hoc reviewer for CHESTJournal of Critical CareCritical Care MedicineCritical ConnectionsIntensive Care Medicine, and Annals of Pharmacotherapy, among others.