Annual Meeting

Who are the CHEST Challenge 2021 finalists?

Meet the three final teams competing in the 20th anniversary of the CHEST Challenge Championship at CHEST 2021. These fellows from training programs across the country will compete in a Jeopardy!-style live game show Tuesday at 6:00 pm CT.

The 2021 CHEST Challenge Championship is sponsored by Viatris.

The Ohio State University

Wexner Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio

Team Name: Ping Pong Plombage
Team Members: Sarah Cohen, MD; Gregory Eisinger, MD, MSSW; Kyle Stinehart, MD
Program Director: Jennifer McCallister, MD, FCCP

How did you prepare for this year’s CHEST Challenge finals?
Mostly Hoyer lift pull-ups, ICU hallway fast-feet drills, transcendental meditation, and studying Ken Jennings Jeopardy reels. And maybe a sprinkling of CHEST board review course, SEEK questions, and ATS board review.

Who do you think is your biggest competitor?
The 2019 OSU winning CHEST Challenge team (we can’t let those guys make us look bad!).

If you could choose a team mascot, what would it be?
The Rock. I mean come on, look at that CHEST!

If you could choose a team uniform, what would it be?
Avengers costumes.

What is your team cheer or theme song? Why?
Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus (obviously)

If you win, how will you celebrate?
Popping champagne bottles in the locker room! And then immediately studying for pulmonary boards, which are coming up fast!

SUNY Buffalo (UB)

Buffalo, New York

Team Name: Optimum PEEPs
Team Members: Rajesh Kunadharaju, MD; Ahmed Munir, MD; Arjun Saradna, MD
Program Director: Jeffrey Mador, MD

How did you prepare for this year’s CHEST Challenge finals?
We embarked on our journey to the Himalayas to gain perspective, inner peace, and knowledge.* After watching us struggle with the asanas for days, Sun god finally appeared and asked “What is it that you SEEK?” A tear rolled down our right eye.

Who do you think is your biggest competitor?

If you could choose a team mascot, what would it be?
Billy Buffalo with his CPAP machine

If you could choose a team uniform, what would it be?
Track suits number 456**

What is your team cheer or theme song? Why?
Opening track: Let me help you — The Asthma Song
Closing track: It’s all coming back to me now — Celine Dion
These lyrics would hold true irrespective of the outcome.

If you win, how will you celebrate?
We’ll get Bills Super Bowl tickets.

*All appropriate altitude prophylaxis taken.
**Squid Game reference.

Interfaith Medical Center

Brooklyn, New York

Team Name: Invincible Interfaith
Team Members: Tahmina Jahir, MD; Ruby Risal, MD; Binav Shrestha, MD
Program Director: Frances Schmidt, MD

How did you prepare for this year’s CHEST Challenge finals?
We followed CHEST on Twitter, reviewed latest publications, got expert opinions from previous CHEST Challenge winners, practiced SEEK questions, games from

Who do you think is your biggest competitor?
The Ohio State University

If you could choose a team mascot, what would it be?

If you could choose a team uniform, what would it be?
US Army

What is your team cheer or theme song? Why?
Queen’s “We Will Rock You.” Because the chorus is highly energetic and teaches us to remain optimistic.

If you win, how will you celebrate?
We will go out for dinner at the Empire State Building.